Friday, October 1, 2010

The World Will Roll in Ecstacy at your Feet

In the stillness of the quiet, if we listen, we can hear the whisper of the heart giving strength to weakness, courage to fear, hope to despair. -
Howard Thurman

And/Or -

You do not need to leave your room. Remain sitting at your table and listen. Do not even listen, simply wait. Do not even wait, be quite still and solitary. The world will freely offer itself to you to be unmasked, it has no choice, it will roll in ecstasy at your feet. -Franz Kafka

Ecstacy rolling in - a loveletter!
Ron,...I am so glad to get your message here just now. I have been hoping that you would respond soon. I feel the very same things about you, and I hope you are aware of that. Every time I come to your postings, there is always something there to touch about every aspect of each of us. You are an amazing Light, Ron, I Love you.

I am also looking at another side of this equation, too. We have some interesting times coming to us, and emotions may be running high. How better to understand others who do not know what is going on, and to experience it with each other, using these times to learn. In other words...walk a mile in their shoes. I also understand that depression will be running very strong...Ron, we are so very needed.

So this misunderstanding has not only brought us closer together, but it is serving us much more. It served you to bring what you mentioned as your biggest weakness to your attention. And it brought my ego to my attention in such a way almost unimaginable. I will share that with you as this is a growth for us both.

As I was writing to you the first time...when I was saying that I would never hurt you nor anyone else...I had tears. I was crying to think that this beautiful soul could ever think that I would be sarcastic or...and on and on. You get my drift. I pushed the reply button and just sat here...wiping my tears that hurt so much...and quickly making the realization that Ego was running this show!!!
Ego was in charge, Ron. That just blew me away! You know as well as I do that no one can hurt us unless we allow it.

So you see that this little incident that we created is a jewel in disguise. These are the several gifts within this situation. Aren't we great!!!

All I want to do now is hug your neck. Much Love to you, Ron.
You are really a treasure.

We are ONE.

Good Morning Loved One...I awake to pure Love in your smiling face, your written word and your Loving thoughts. Thank you, Ron. Your Light shines so brightly that the path ahead is illumined without your effort. No wonder people are drawn to you, Love. You are such an example when we speak of allowing people to come and ask their questions because they see the Light of us, no longer feeling like we have to chase people down in order to get the word out. You value the words above as they resonate with you also. We are One.

Thank you, Ron. Thank you for you, another profound aspect of me...and I of you. Thank you. I Love you.

Another busy marvelous day - it is fun to be One! Oneness Blessing group at Yoga Room, then Loving Kindness (my creation) Yoga afterwards, and after a Thai meal, we studied Buddhas Brain(the title of a book) at Unity. I am feeling more and more like I could be teaching instead of sitting in, and feel like I am being called for that?
Yes, dear Paulette, how about we skip lunch, unless there is a place downtown you can eat. We can go sit out on one of those wrought-iron swings in that park with all the fountains and gardens (thanks to Hurricane Hugo. Say about 1-1:30 - whoever is there first grab the first swing available. I will be wearing a crazy green & white plaid baseball hat that has a daisy emblem in front with "VW" engraved in the flower. I proudly drive the green car of the year!
I have nothing but joyous expectations for our meeting. And I have no needs to be taken care of by anyone but myself - been there done that. Most of my friends are women, and the biggest thing they say they like about me, is that I am not needy, and I am not looking for a sexual partner! Oneness is like being a very close brother & sister - Mirroring the Divine to each other. It is a blissful place to be, and I celebrate that Truth! Oneness is funness, ron
if you want to get in touch with me before Thurs.
Oh, it sounds like you really enjoyed this day! I feel your joy! Yes, I do. You allow the joy to come through and that is wonderful to feel. Thank you!

I'm surprised that you are not teaching? You impress me as being a very powerful balance...I know that so many people would benefit from your wisdom given through such Love, Ron. You ARE Love. I see you teaching. I look at your pic here, and I see it. I'm standing behind you nodding my head sagely. LOL You will do what you know is right for you when it is time. Don't mind if the rest of us are feeling some's part of the growth process, too. LOL I would love to sit in on your teachings sometime. I would really like to do that. I hope you will let me know when you start?

Waterfront Park? I love those swings under the...roofs? Whatever they call those things. That sounds like a great idea. 1 or 1:30 sounds wonderful to me! Ron, I am not concerned that there would be expectations with you. I don't get that from you at all. I know
the ONEness of which you speak, I am there also. Oh, I love that ONEness is funness!!! That is too cute!

About other restaurants? I react to preservatives, dyes, and MSG and they are all using MSG in large quantities right now because of the slow down in business. They have a lot of competition. It is easier just not to push the envelope.

I can hardly wait do hug, right? Because if you don't, oh well. Poor you! LOL I like real hugs, nothing flimsy, no silly petting each other on the back and kissing the air beside our cheeks! (Oh, I am funny. You've read me enough to know that I love to laugh..)

I will see you Thursday between 1 and 1:30 at Waterfront Park!

CYA then! (((HUG))) ~ practicing is good ~ LOL
Much Love to You, Ron! ♥♥♥

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