Sunday, October 3, 2010

In the Free Flow of Life

"Prosperity is not just having a lot of money. It is having a consciousness of the flow of substance. The true prosperity consciousness is consistently open to the flow, attracts opportunities both to give and receive, wisely directs the use of substance, and remains FREE from its burden. An important guideline: If you... are worried about the money you have or don't have, you are out of the flow." Eric Butterworth Another full fullfilling day starting with Unity Sunday School a study of brilliant Eric Butterworth's book - IN THE FLOW. Then the inspiring Bonnie Scrudato did a sermon on St. Francis - the Patron Saint of Animals, afterwhich she gave an illuminating empowering workshop on Animal Avatars. I re-discovered my power animal - the Bear and enjoyed bringing Eagle awareness into my sphere as a Spirit Guide.

Afterwards, a friend and I went out into a virgin Ocean forest, where we spent alot of time clearing the dirt roads of limbs from the recent storms. We managed to get to the waterfront just in time for a magnificent sunset over the marshes and Isle of Light.

Most men (people) lead lives of quiet desperation." Thoreau was so right and it has gotten worse in the 2 centuries since his death. Went and visited a 'successful" new friend today. She is sweet nice lady, however the visit made me grateful that my life is getting simpler creating more space, by getting rid of thing...s everyday. The best and most beautiful things are not things. The more we "own" the more complicated life is and the more anxiety! (KISS - Keep It Simple Sacred) more space more peace, ron
Jean Mitchell Bless you, so true
Karen Reider YOU Ron Alexander ARE beautiful!!!!!
Noy Traba-g Hello, decluterring (mind, body, matter) ... the simpler, the better. Yes! > to that. LoveYOU, CapD!Kristiana Owens I couldn't agree more. Clearing out the "stuff" myself. ♥
Yewguan Tan just had a look at your blog well done ron :p

Ron Alexander So good to hear from Yew and thanks all of you with your supportive comments. I have to have the best most inspiring fb friends in the Uni - verse! All Oneness Love, ron

Another Benefit from Awakening into Oneness: "This too shall pass." (detachment & letting go). Finally, I realize that it is alright (maybe even necessary) to have a feeling, yet the key is how quickly can we move out of the debilitating emotions like anger & sadness. I enjoy the positive - joy, bliss, peace, yet even... they "shall pass". Being attached to negative or positive is the problem. Letting go is the solution - the quicker the better for the hurtful feelings.
to Loving Oneness
, ron
Paulette Ball ‎"Change+pervasive+forever=Deal with it=Joy, Happiness, ONEness, & LOVE."~ PCBall~

Bent Kim Lundberg: I like this very much. You must grow or you are dead. When you grow you change your truth. As you are ONE with all, all changes when you change, so god is changing all the time. When you get it change becomes fun, and you will be able to your ONENESS in happiness and JOY and see all change as possibilities. ♥
Goodbye to the old image of god as unchanging, and welcome to a world of liberating FREEDOM of dogma and old rules. They cannot apply for thousands of years if god is ever changing. ♥
Ups. Hope I am not taking your Formula / equation to far. LOL
LOVE ♥♥♥


Paulette Ball: Bent, it was your words that inspired my little equation. And here you bring it even more into the Light of understanding, Bent style. Which, if I may say so...fits. Thank you, Love. I do so appreciate you!♥♥♥

Ron Alexander; Reminds me of the Tibetan Buddhists who go around creating magnificent "mantras" (?) in the sand and then have a ceremony of destroying them, and letting the sand go in the ocean or back to the land, and giving little baqs of souvenir sand to us on-lookers. "This too shall pass." We are taught in The Buddhas' meditation just to observe the passing show with equanimity - even pleasurable sensations.
Noy Traba-g So very true! In summation, joy can't be fully appreciated if it's suspended as it is ... as the wheel turn around, we've got to also experience it's opposite-bit. And as we once again rise from that less joyfulness stage, the more we would totally enjoy the bliss of pure happiness. In correlation, we cannot change incidences. it's our method of dealing with it which would culminate how we feel about it. This is when we could teach the mind to change its perspective. Practicing stillness settles it ... instilling it by allowing good positive clusters of thoughts come in. The mind has the capacity to shift the negative to positive thoughts. In short. the mind dictares, the body follows. And I do agree, things do pass. Joy!S

Another busy marvelous day - it is fun to be One! Oneness Blessing group at Yoga Room, then Loving Kindness (my co-creation) Yoga afterwards, and after a Thai meal, we studied Buddhas Brain(the title of a book) at Unity. "BUDDHA'S BRAIN draws on the latest research to show how to stimulate and strengthen your brain for... more fulfilling relationships, a deeper spiritual life, and a greater sense of inner confidence and worth. You'll learn how to activate the brain states of calm, joy, and compassion instead of worry, sorrow and anger. This clear down to earth book is filled with practical tools and skills that you can use in daily life to tap the unused potential of your brain and rewire it over time for greater well-being and peace of mind." Rick Hanson, PH.D.

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