Monday, September 27, 2010

Awakening to Oneness Weekend

Oneness is the ultimate level where there is no plurality only absolute unity. The basic ONENESS is the ONE SOURCE. 'I AM ONE WITH THE ALL'
(I AM One with Source, therefore I AM One with ALL)

Another Benefit from Awakening into Oneness: "This too shall pass." (detachment & letting go). Finally, I realize that it is alright (maybe even necessary) to have a feeling, yet the key is how quickly can we move out of the debilitating emotions like anger & sadness. I enjoy the positive - joy, bliss, peace, yet even... they "shall pass". Being attached to negative or positive is the problem. Letting go is the solution - the quicker the better for the hurtful feelings. to Loving Oneness, ron

Benefits of Awakening into Oneness: More laid back, don't take much personally anymore, have more close friends, more in the flow, more of a Human Being as opposed to a human doing, healthier, more mindfulness, more compassionate, feel younger, more diversity, more creative, more certainty, more abundance, lighter, more peace, more playfulness, better student, better teacher, get more compliments, however I need them less, much less needy, more power, more peace, joy & love and that is just the start of a list. be as One, ron
Another Benefit from Awakening into Oneness, I used to wake up in dread most of the time, Now I wake up in Bliss most of the time.
Derek Stone: Ron that is great news you realise that after such a great awakening and enlightenment you may not need to reincarnate any more unless of course your Soul desires so. I have also found Heaven and I Love being in the Physical World with this so I want to be here forever.
Ron Alexander: I am so grateful, Derek, in Buddhism, You would be called a Boddhisattva - voluntarily coming back here to help end the suffering, and I can strongly identify with That!

Comment by Josephine:
Oneness is the ultimate level where there is no plurality only absolute unity. The basic ONENESS is the ONE SOURCE. 'I AM ONE WITH THE ALL'
Thanks for your Certainty Josephine,
Comment by Sharon Taphorn: I love that.... more of a human being as opposed to a human doing... wonderful, thanks again ron... yours in and blessings, sharon
Thank you, Dear SharONE! The quote that I am most impressed with is Josephine's: Oneness is the ultimate level where there is no plurality only absolute unity. The basic ONENESS is the ONE SOURCE. 'I AM ONE WITH THE ALL' .

Heaven is right here right now, when I realize Oneness right here right now.
Derek Stone: Thanks for sharing Ron so true. When one realises ones Godhood, Oneness and just who is inside us all then we are in Heaven; a state within. This is also confirmed in the Bible.
Unity Walker: Realize ~~ Maintain in Love. :)
Ron Alexander: Thanks for the supportive comments, Derek & Unity! The Kingdom of Love is Within and Love is the Maintaining Energy for the Kingdom that joins us in Oneness.
Garna Sorensen: so true this has to be heaven for it is truly heaven to be loved to be able to love and to come together as one...together we stand and divided we fall..i am experiencing this right now,,as are so many others as wer are truly one.

Most of the time during this magnificent weekend of "Awakening to Oneness" I was very outward with Loving Connecting Energy. However, this afternoon spending time in deep Sacred Space Meditation, I became reflective and my Loving Energy was inward. Some people there looked as if they were confused by my turn inwards, s...o I had to tell them that I was "feeling reflective". Wish I didn't have to say anything. Sometimes I wear a "Silent One" name tag, and I wished I had made one up today. Next time.
Silence can really enhance Oneness, if the talking One is sensitive and compassionate. Compassion is a big key to Oneness, ron

‎"Gentle hearts, who scatter seeds of loyalty and rain pure goodness down on this black earth: You've heard, no matter where, the state I'm in; Don't separate me from my love again." ~ Rumi

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