Monday, October 4, 2010

Seperation Ends & Mastery Starts Now

"Like the ripples in a pond - the very energy around you will begin to pulsate and reverberate." says Panache of what you may expect from this year's Gathering.

It is no longer necessary for you to feel afraid, isolated or abandoned. We are one heart, one energy, one love and one spirit and have incarnated at this time to have the dominant experience of life be love. Your willingness to stretch opens the doorway for the greater collective to step through. Thank you for having the courage to face everything within you that keeps you playing small.
"In less than five days access a vibration that will unlock transformational power within you. Come ready to make the difference you promised you would make. Come prepared to fulfill your divine destiny. Come open to ending your stories and stopping your excuses. Throw out every reason that is keeping you stuck. Be who you are here to be and embody the highest vibration of love and light at this time." - Panache
"There comes a time in your life when you realize that if you stand still you will remain at this point forever. I remember that I am the light of Presence. That awareness is prior to and deeper than any thought or emotions I may be experiencing. I am embracing all aspects of myself ... to love and accept all because we truly are all ONE." - Pamela Williams, South Carolina Regional Coordinator

"Last year I could not hold back the tears as divine love flooded my entire being. When we open our consciousness to this powerful healing energy, vision is restored, tumors have no power, pain is dissolved, and emotional anguish is transmuted into joy. I will be forever grateful for the miracle of divine healing in my life, healing through which Panache served as a catalyst.
This weekend is a divine opportunity to experience the oneness and healing power of the divine."
- Carol Reynolds, Oregon
I believe that this in not the time for great masters, but the time where all become masters. We are ONE, and we are becoming aware, and as ONE we will ALL go there or we will not experience being ONE fully. We have been here before, but this time we will do it, for the elephant is moving, and cannot be stopped. Bent Kim Lundberg

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