Monday, October 25, 2010

Divine Inner Adventure = Fulfillment/Peace

I have been an adventurer much of my life. At first, more of an outer worldly adventurer/explorer. I sailed around the oceans as a Sea Captain for over 14 years.

I climbed mountains in Alaska and in Switzerland. I hitchhiked from Mass. to Florida, and in Europe and Central America ("God protects the innocent.") However, now in my older years, I have been Divine Adventuring/exploring - the Inner Search and have found it much more fulfilling!

We can now understand that as we recognize that fulfillment comes from allowing God's gifts to flow through us instead of bringing things and people To us, we stop striving for the externals. As we realize that there is nothing to get, only something to give, we experience the joy of life. As we see how we fit into the bigger picture of life. we experience harmony with all things and all people, and this leads us to the Peace that passes understanding. For God is fulfilled and God is peace, and when we are fulfilled, we are peace. Think of it: if we are not striving, if we are allowing Joy to direct our lives, if we realize our harmony with all, then what could not be peaceful in our lives?
In Love and Light,
Rev. Jim and Laurie

Twelve Insight Journal

“There is nothing, no-thing, for you to pursue. When you allow everything to come to you through your connection with Source energy you have it all, you see. And it is your interest in going after “one more thing like that” that intervenes in your connection with Source. Once you have begun to pursue something in the physical you have chosen a source other than Source.

“It’s a bit sticky like a trap. And its just all too natural to fall into it. You have a fulfilling life experience, some thing, some object, some relationship, some event, and its only natural to want more. But then as you continue with the pursuit of that, you begin to notice some of the edge of excitement falling away. It begins to become boring, mundane. And at this juncture you either continue to pursue greater and greater levels of that through the physical, or you reestablish your intentions in the non-physical vibrational realm.

“Everything comes to you from Source; all of it. And when you allow yourself to fall into physical pursuit of that which is fulfilling to you, you have stepped away from the True Source of it, and naturally, frustration and discontentment will begin to creep in. In order to stay on the leading edge you have to remain in the conscious creating process, always having vision, imaginal reality that precedes your experience, rather than looking back to what you had before and trying to get back to that.

“It doesn’t matter whether is was last month, last week, a year ago, or fifteen seconds ago, whenever you turn back you have turned away from Source. Source is always out in front of you calling you forward into the imaginal reality that you have created in thought with your vibration. And Law of Attraction is always arranging the Universe to match your vibration. So you just have to imagine all the important parts as you want them to be, and spend some time in that imaginal reality each day. Daily prayer, daily imagining, several times a day is best. Don’t take anything for granted: If you already have it, appreciate it. If it’s not in your experience, imagine it, and appreciate it there.

“And when you have understood that it is your conscious envisioning of having what you want that brings it to you, and you spend time envisioning, imagining yourself already having it, appreciating it, sending forth gratitude and appreciation, then you have given the Source Energy something to form around. Without you putting forth what you want, Source has no form to take other than that which has been offered before. Source is formless; you are the consciousness that is here to give the form to that which will be.”

You are loved and blessed upon your journey,


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