Monday, October 25, 2010

Life/Death Issues

Re: Recording for a friend of mine who is dying
Ron, was trying to call you - your answering machine was on. Please find time to have a little talk with me, if you could, okay?
Everything is fine, Ron. No worries. But still I'd like to speak to you.
Oh, I was about to say, you shouldn't have deleted that post coz there's another person involved within the thread. Anyway, it's done, it's fine.
Let's talk a bit, okay? LoveYOu, Ron!

So, here's what I've promised you (my input to your post - which 'had to be' deleted, lolol!):


I just came back after less than an hour of contemplating about life. I had a bit of a rest and pondered deeper. And I'd like to share it here. I was (again - the usual thing) 'funked' earlier since last night up until haf of today. Typical me - getting carried away by little emotions in regards 'friends' (which shouldn't be the case). Anyway, I had a heavy heart for the past 12 hours, or so ... and my overflowing love and joy cannot appease that tinsy tiny emotion.

Then I got your private message in regards the beautiful soul (Violette). That cracked everything > open. My God! What am I doing > nursing a silly emotion ... when here's this wonderful soul who's not gonna be here for long. That totally opened my horizon further. Life is short ... but then is still precious. Hence, we owe to make the most of it (doing great little things for ourselves and others ... as how V. had been doing - I read his writings at ... all beautifully written). So, even if we are talking about the life soon to be cut short ... I would say that her existence with her beautiful thoughts as expedited in her writings - are all exemplifying how good each of us should be treating life. Doing as much goodness to ourselves and to others (as how you've discussed in your other thread). Violette will forever live in my/your/our hearts. I wouldn't want to flood your page again with so much to say.

I'd close this with sincere wishes for V's transition to be as peaceful and sublime (that is, if things are already irreversible). We all would go when the time comes ... and we have to live by our soul's good example - Violette being one of them. My thoughts and prayers and wishes that she peacefully tread her sacred path (with bliss) and that her soul be eternally blessed when that time comes. Bless her beautiful soul, bless you for partaking with her, bless her friends and loved ones - may they all realize that her journey is certainly a blissed one. My heart truly goes out for her and her loved ones. Me > having lost the dearest love of my life ... me the witness to that beautiful transition ... have woven that rule > no longer in denial ... all in acceptance. And as I mentioned earlier: we all have to go, we but have to make the most of the good things while we last. I say 'Amen' to that. Love to you all ... from

.Indeed, Ron... V. has shared a wonderful body of work here on CTTB!
We are fortunate... for her... and you.
From Ron Alexander to J. & v.
Sent Oct 22

So blessed to be doing this - about ready to start 4th time on first one. This is magnificent work Violette, and I am going to make sure Jerry, Diane & Susan Trout all listen if that is alright with you, dear One? I cannot believe I did not keep up stih your Work, yet I do believe in Divine Timing, and that Time is Now! so much love, ron

From J:
Sent Oct 22

Hello V. & Ron
The recordings will add an experiential aspect to the Principles pages, that will increase the depth of the learning process.

I can't wait to see... er, uh, I mean hear the results.


From V. to Ron Alexander and J.
Sent Oct 22

Dear Ron and J.,

I am very eager to hear the first principle and am sure it will be very effective and useful to those who study the principles. I am grateful Ron that you are planning to follow the one by one addition to each principle.

The presentation of the principles have rather been my last hurrah as a means of service to others. Being able to sit back and fully devote attention to the guided imaprinciples but do not comment.

Blessed be through your voice will, in my perception, add a most valuable dimension to their study.

I have yet to see visual evidence that many are studying the most comprehensive principle, number eleven. It has three separate entries. Is it because they are ignoring it or simply not commenting? I have been told by members that they do read the post.
Dear V., would it be possible to visit you? This week - Tues., Wed. Thurs or Friday? or the next? I have a friend I can stay with. I could bring the recordings, and you could review them before we put them online, plus we could add or subtract, and I could do an official interview with you. I see the possibility of an audio book with Your material and possibly evolving into a e-book and even a self-published book or even a published one with the support of Jerry Jampolsky, Diane Cirincione, & Susan Trout - all of these would be to honor your wonderful legacy!
This is truly healing wisdom and I think the 11th principle could be the most important of them all. I have done a little market survey here, and all would like to see this in a form to be heard or to read.
in the Spirit of Oneness, ron

At this moment I have no commitments for any of those days.... However as foolish as this may sound I have been wanting to leave the earth plane. I was supposed to the beginning of this month.

But control freak that I am I got into such choreography through negotiating dates, time with God that I got a real comeuppance with a message loud and clear, "Whoa, I'm in charge here not you"

Now I am told that there will be no beforehand knowledge, so I had better keep my apartment cleaned, laundry done and my hair washed, if I want to control conditions.

Because of this ~ and I confess I have fudged in that I keep reminding God we are so close to a new payout time from social security on the 3rd of Nov and that he might want to keep that in mind ~ but maybe you might want to make it as soon as possible just in case.

People gain so much hope when they
know they are not experiencing something

Joyce Rupp
Alive Now, pg. 35
Bless you and V., Ron! May you both only know clarity and joy on your journey. And when you see your friend, ask her to give Jesus, God and all the Loving Spiritual BE-ings on the other side a HUGE hug from me please! I pray that she will know only compassion and gentleness in her transition OR her continued journey. What an honor to record another persons story of tribulation and triumph! Job Well Done Ron! The heavenly realm is proud of YOU!!!L.


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