Monday, October 25, 2010

Strike a Chord of Silence (peace, wisdom, understanding)

Noy Traba-g ‎~~~ Oh ... my ... GOD !!! This really does 'strike a chord ... of silence'.
A journey to finding inner silence, without expectations --- where the practice is alive and path were the illusion that remains far ... we truly embrace the depths of perception that nothing is separate. This truth does not need words. The real evidence fi...nding footholds appearance are a speculative path, all in straight lines is only silence ... or sound of harmony and beauty ... PEACE

I had to share this one Noy - YOU Angel of Joy! I love meditating so much and get so much out of it, that I go to ten days, three day of silent Vipassana Retreat - time for another one soon.Noy Traba-g: I was hoping (when I did it) that you would chance and post it, too. It so very beautiful - your friends and mine would truly benefit from it coz it's not just a commercially made vid ... there's so much more to it. Below, I'm also adding... the input I did at my wall:
There is something healing within the silence ... nature brings that peace and sense of solitude that makes the connection complete for me. There is no building that can give me the blessings a simple walk in the woods does.
It is indeed a need to walk the walks in this hectic world.. the walks helps us to stay to the basic of life ... at least it is the way it works to me.
I love the walks in the woods ... on the beach, etc.; and it is a real blessing to see the wonders of life ... and music is a translator for such beauty..
I have watched this beautiful clip several times and each time - I am drawn back to it for peace, and confirmation of who and what I am. It is so very moving and takes me to my deepest core self.
I am left with tears in my eyes over the beauty of the words, all of the essence here. This is one video that will be with me for some time ... and this has been the richest 3 minutes and 32 seconds of my day so far ... oh, world > I so love YOU!!! Enjoying my nowJoyness !!! PEACE to ALL

Could you tell me more about this kind of retreat. I googled it and saw that it is offered in Georgia. Looking forward to my beach trip next week and the Oneness Blessing on Tuesday night. Many blessings dear brother.....Love, Rebecca .
Ron: Yes, there is a fairly new Vipassana Retreat, in the middle of a near-swamp, near Jesup, Ga., where I go for my retreats. Goenka likes them in this kind of place - time to go inside. Thank God, they are well air-conditioned and well built though. I will have all kind of info. for you here next Tuesday night, my dear One. in the Spirit of Oneness, ron Best book is called Art of Living on Goenka, by William Hart.

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