Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Oneness with yourself = Wholeness

After experiencing a extraordinary yin Oneness Blessing group:


I agree the energy was very yin. To me yin energy has many different forms, tenderness, understanding, unconditional love, nurturing just to name a few. However, I have noticed that more males are embracing a lot of these traits; just as the females have embrace a lot of the yang energy. That leaves me to believe we are all embracing that part of ourselves which have been ignored or out of balance bringing us into Oneness within ourselves.
Many Blessings, N.

Just thought i'd touch base and say - i have had some powerful energy running through me this week - i don't know if it is because we have had 5 Blessing Givers recently or the energy is simply more more more. The first time i had the Blessing and then the several there after was powerful and wonderful - but these Blessings recently - this is totally different - i can feel it all the time - i feel almost 'high' - and like i'm going through a cleansing of a sort. I feel peaceful and happy for no other reason than just being.

love and blessings to you all - and a great big THANK YOU.

Namaste, L.

C. Reply
L. I feel the same. Total bliss.

J. Reply
Thank you, thank you, thank you, L., for sharing these words of bliss and inspiration. And thank you Spirit for the Grace that is flowing ever so abundantly now. Deeksha will continue to be sent to you daily, dear One. See you Monday night.

Ron Alexander
Hi dear L., C., J., O., N., V., C., J., et al. I have this feeling of real Unity like I have never felt in my life - a joyous joining beyond description, I AM SO GRATEFUL, ron

J. Reply
I shared deeksha (oneness blessing) with nine 14 year olds in a Catholic church and I'm still floating with joy! One girl reported seeing her grandpa (who had recently left his body) while receiving deeksha. They were all as blown away as we are! STILL SMILIN'......

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