Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Laugh, Dance - Life is too short to live with regrets

I am grateful for this realization (below, but it goes with above) this morning while meditating:

Key to Freedom: Forgiveness - dismiss any defensive, judgemental thoughts, resist taking offense.

If the negative thoughts come through anyway repeat the Ho'oponopono prayer. "I am sorry, please forgive me...thank you, I love you." The uplifting results of this prayer along with meditation, and I feel lighter, more loving and more liberated.

Comment by Lorenzo Abbiati please forgive me cause
I am not enough free to see your light
thank you for giving me everyday breath and even if I am your truth-enemy
I love you even if my hearth is so small and greedy to be part of the infinite love

An old Chinese quote: "When we live with resentment, we dig two graves."
Lorenzo, I appreciate your response, I do not see you as a "truth-enemy", One Love, ron .

Comment by Michael Gllikopantis also when someone does you wrong, as bad as it is, as hard as it can be to forgive someone but by not only forgiving them but also wish them well!!!! .

Nice add, thank you, Michael. It is so difficult to "Love your Enemies' even harder to realize they are part of ourSelves. One Love, ron .

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