Saturday, March 13, 2010

"Oneness is the heart's deepest longing, the song of the ages."

The ultimate potential of the Oneness Blessing is much more that it's effect on the individual. The Blessing can precipitate a shift toward a completely different state of consciousness, where the sense of "me" as a separate entity dissolves. What remains is a simple and direct realization of Oneness, unclouded by the conceptual mind. The Oneness Blessing has been able to catalyze this shift for thousands of people, both in India and in the rest of the world. This is something so profoundly simple and glorious that it defies logical description. Oneness is the heart's deepest longing, the song of the ages. AWAKENING INTO ONENESS by Arjuna Ardagh

AWAKENING INTO ONENESS offers an engaging, thorough, and illuminating look at the phenomenon called the Oneness Blessing. If you care about the planet and about the quality of your own life, this book is a must read. Marci Shimoff, #1 New York Times BestSelling Co-author, CHICKEN SOUP FOR THE WOMAN'S SOUL & CHICKEN SOUP FOR THE MOTHER'S SOUL.

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