Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Bridges to Oneness (a Holy Relationship)

1. "Holy Relationship with yourself, that is a bridge I am looking for. thank you, De.
1a. by De. All starts with knowing thyself...

Having the fullest integrity with thyself.... aligning all aspects of our higher spirit, our beliefs and our actions.

From there finding the authentic relationships within our life.

Be well and enjoy! Blessings always!

Dear De., Thanks for such a quick and wise response:

"When we begin to accept ourselves exactly as we are,

experiencing the full content of each moment without conflict or resistance,

and join together around the world with others whose hearts are flowering,

the Light of Infinite Love will flood the Earth!"

Sri Bhagavan

"Love must begin with loving yourself."

I have been blessed to be a Oneness Blessing Giver with the Oneness Movement. I have never felt closer to anybody than my fellow Blessing Givers and Receivers, and it keeps getting better. Try googling worldonenesscommunty.com if you like, committed to One Love, ron

2. Meditation (Vipassana is my favorite, but anything that will quieten your mind will help.

3. Oneness Blessings

4. Humor - taking yourself lightly, that is a bridge I am looking for. thank you, D.M.

5. thank you, Sc. "Body has nothing to do!" - a bridge to a Holy Relationship, thank you - bridges are what I am looking for. ron

6. Hi Sa., thanks for your thoughtful post: "But we both had trust - in each other and the Divine gift we had been given, and our marriage was fertile soil. We both grew in a nurtured environment, became more complete within ourselves and with each other." Trust in each other and the Divine Gift is definitely a bridge that I am asking for...
I have come very close to Holy Relationships with some fellow Oneness Blessing Givers and Receivers: However, my close Ones there are mostly married, and I think the acid test is in a "romantic" committed relationship. And I have never felt closer to anyone as these Oneness friends. committed to One Loving, ron

7. Love that quote and could that be a bridge to a Holy Relationship?
Dear Ron
first of all let's do remember a quote Carlos recently added here

"Wisdom is knowing I am nothing. Love is knowing I am everything and between the two, my life moves"
-Nisargadatta Maharaj

Human relationships cannot involve god "as a third party"
We are created in love by love for love.
we are part of the love of the univers but every single link between us humans is weaker confronted to the deeper interplanetary love that is embracing us.
Also one people left alone could experiment this love by the gift of himself everyday life.

Hello Lo,, thanks for your thoughtful post: And you may be right?
I have come very close to Holy Relationships with some fellow Oneness Blessing Givers and Receivers: However, my close Ones there are mostly married, and I think the acid test is in a "romantic" committed relationship. And I have never felt closer to anyone as these Oneness friends. committed to One Loving, ron
Try googling Worldonenesscommunity.com This is as close to "Holy Relationships" and it keeps getting better!

It is one of those question that might surprise someoone into realizing that they have surrendered to a Higher Self,threrfore when they let Go, that TwinFlame Walked into their Life.... R.M.

9. Ho'Oponopono Prayer for forgiveness: "I am sorry, please forgive me...thank you, i love you, thank you." Do it for yourself with "enemy" in your mind, but it works anyway as we are all One.

10. Byron Katy's Turnaround Work: when we judge another we judge ourselves at least part of ourselves so turn that pointing finger back at yourself.

11. Unity Spirituality - after all Unity means Oneness.

12 Ernest Holmes - Science of Mind Mystical philosopher.

13. Brother David Steindle-rast - gratefullness.org

14. Essence of ACIM & Attitudinal Healing - "God is love and anyone "attacking" is calling for loving help.

1 comment:

  1. A non-commercial site exclusively for the articles related to Nisargadatta Maharaj, the great teacher of Advaita Vedanta. Books, Photos, Videos, and others.

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