Monday, March 22, 2010

When Love is Present Healing Begins (Ho'Oponopono clarified)

Thanks for the Ho'oponopono Prayer. I need to pray this prayer day & nite. I have suffered with Addiction most of my life. I am now in Recovery for the past 3-4yrs now! I have so much past emotions built up inside. I am working on being a better person everyday with Prayer and forgiveness and spirituality.

A new way of praying Ho'Oponopono prayer:
Comment by Michel Green
The wonderful thing about this mantra is that there is no time attached as to when it will manifest. This afternoon I started saying it with regard to my grandson who had gone to stay overnight at "my friend's" without saying which friend or leaving a phone number. within a matter of minutes, my daughter phoned to say he was home - safe and well - although his ears might be sore from the scolding...
I always start with "Thank you" because it puts me in a state of gratitude and in alignment with receiving something de-Light-full.
I then say "I'm sorry" to acknowledge that as a creator of my own Life experience, if something is out of alignment, I must take responsibility for it and own up to my part in its appearance.
Then comes "Please forgive me" which sets me free because forgiveness is for - giving [to me].
And I always end with "And I love you" because that re-establishes my awareness of the flow of Divine Love in my life. And I love you fills be with our loving joy-full-ness with and for each other.

Ron Alexander
My horoscope for today - I usually don't pay much attention unless they give good advice like this one: "Forgiveness is about not letting negative feelings spoil your life. If you feel mistreated you can become bitter and angry." No kiddiing!

When Love Is Present, Healing Begins
by Colleen O'Rourke
.Some of you may have looked at the title of that "Ho'oponopono" video I have posted and thought..."Ho....ooooooo....whaaaaat?" Did you think that just because you can't pronounce it and certainly not spell it without 100 repetitions that you can't do it, my friends? OH Ho' Oh yes you can! And once you start, you won't be able to stop...because it feels so good!

Ho'oponopono is an ancient method of healing which originated in Hawaii. How long ago? I don't remember! Doesn't matter....this is what it is and how you do it. It starts with this most important phrase: I LOVE YOU. Simply put, when love is present, healing begins.

Ok, you say, how do I do this? Let's suppose (lol) you've got an issue with someone and you can't seem to resolve it...does this happen to anyone but me? Ah ha, thought so. Try this method. Think of this person and this issue you can't seem to resolve, or clear. If you have more than one issue, then repeat this method until you have covered them all. (This is common, by the way.) Say out loud or to yourself (note: if you are on a crowded bus, it might be best to think it to yourself):

I'm sorry.

Please forgive me.

I thank you, and

I love you.

The magic of healing begins to work. Think about this...doesn't it always take "two to tango?" You can't argue with yourself, so if you are having an issue with someone, it's not only their are to blame as well. We need to take responsibility for the origination of the issue. We are, after all, only mirrors of the reflection of our own souls in the eyes of our brothers, sisters, children, parents, friends, community...all of Creation. If you have anger, resentment, jealousy...whatever in your heart, well then, those feelings are going to be felt by the object ( might be a better word) of your emotions.

To put it simply, Ho'oponopono means 'to make it right' or 'to rectify an error.' Erroneous thoughts, or negative emotions, are caused by painful memories from the past. This past can be five minutes ago, or 50 years ago. It does not matter. If you release the negative emotions associated with the thoughts, guess what happens? You heal, the other heals, and the situation gets resolved...forever if you really mean it.

So, to do this Ho'oponopono healing, first you express your own repentance for your part in the issue by saying (or thinking) and feeling truly that you are, indeed, sorry. Second, you ask for forgiveness from that person for any part that you played in the issue. Third, you thank that person for forgiving you and anything else you wish to thank them for. Some examples might be that they taught you a lesson, or they helped you in some way by lighting up this shadow of darkness within you. Finally...and most importantly, you say: I LOVE YOU. As you do this process, forgive and love yourself at the deepest level as well!

LOVE first goes to work neutralizing the negative emotions that caused the problem in the first place. Next, LOVE releases these neutralized emotions, leaving a space of emptiness where the negative emotions once resided. And for the grand finale, LOVE then fills up the empty space with guess what? Yes, you've got it:

LOVE fills up the empty space left by the now neutralized emotions with PURE LOVE. What is left but hugs?

Love and joy,


(Note: Special thanks and credit to authors Joe Vitale and Ihaleakala Hew Len, Ph.D for helping me to explain this wonderful ancient healing method of Ho'oponopono to you through their book, ZERO LIMITS. I highly recommend their book!)

A message from Michel Green to all members of Ho'Oponopono on Playing with the Universe!

During the channelling sessions I do, I hear the Archangels recommending the use of this Mantra over and over. They encourage a calm state when focussing on the scenario you desire to resolve; and especially by simply identifying the person or condition you release yourself from telling the Beloved Divine what you want done and leave the process up to that much Higher Wisdom.

I recently used the Ho'oponopono Mantra with "abundance" as the focus. Surprisingly two things happened - one I had expected and the other I had not even considered but it certainly is a result/behaviour I needed.

The first is that the number of people interested in my service or referred to me increased markedly. I had already decided to include a card with this Mantra on it for their use so that went well with the Angels also recommending it. Many of these people are first-time clients but they are already interested in further sessions for themselves and are also referring their friends! Thank you very much, God!

The second result of doing this Mantra was that I found myself following up with slow or missing compensation much more quickly [formerly I would follow-up after about 3 to 6 months] and much, much more comfortably [follow-up always terrified me]. And no one was insulted or upset with me!

When you let go of your own opinion of what needs to be done and let the Universe look after the details, you can experience greater
benefits and greater results than your limited point of view might allow you.

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