Friday, March 26, 2010

Blessings On Their Way - Oneness Blessings Already Here

Friday, Mar. 26

Give thanks for unknown
blessings already on their way.

Native American prayer

Christi L Spivey
Thank you . . . I am beginning to feel as if the blessings
are surrounding me every moment of the day . . .
I think it is the Oneness Blessing . . .

Thanks Christi, Please join us a Joanna's group at 7 on Monday and/or join us at the beautilul Isle of Light at Jackie's warm old family home at 7 on Wed.
In addition, become a Oneness Blessing Hugger with Beth's workshop at the Yoga Room on April 24th and 25th.

One way that I measure my progress in experiencing Oneness is by the increase of joy in my life. "Joy is the realization of the truth of Oneness..." Rabindroth Tagore
My affirmation for this day:I rejoice in the simple realization that I am One with all the Love of God, Life and people. "This is the day the Lord has made, rejoice and be glad in it." Micah 7:8

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