Thursday, April 16, 2009


Even in the midst of our busy, agenda-driven lives, we pause now and then to drink in the day's rhythms: the startling radiance of a sunrise, the power and heat of high noon, the peace of the evening's ending. “Angels of the Hours” allows us to deepen this grateful response to the real rhythms of the day. European cathedral bells, Gregorian chant, and Fra Angelico's magnificent angels accompany us as we embrace an ancient understanding of the word “hour”: not as clock time, but as a measure of soul. You will find Latin texts and translations of the chants

Images did not appear here but you can see them at (Brother David Stiendl-Rast's great site) - see bottom of page.

The Night Watch
Before the day's noises begin,when it is still perfectly quiet.
Commitment & Fervor
A meditation duringlunch-hour.

The Coming of the Light
Around breakfast time; nourishyour soul for this coming day.
The Shadows Lengthen
The needed boost for the lasthours of the work day.

A Deliberate Beginning
When you get to your workplaceand just before you begin.
Lighting the Lamps
An evening celebration.

The Joy of Living
A mid-morning prayer break.
Completing the Circle
At night, just before going to bed.

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