Thursday, April 16, 2009

Forgiveness Brings Blessings

Father, forgive them for they know not what they do. Luke 23:24

I can't forgive certain people so I ask God to do it for me. It's God's job anyway isn't it?
Seriously, I know it is a matter of choice - "free will". And I know how much it hurts me not to forgive. Unforgiveness, grudges, keeping people out of my heart hurts me - it blocks the flow of love in and out of my heart.
Forgiveness opens my heart to the truth of oneness with God and all - even my "enemies." Knowing that they "know not what they do" really helps me to understand their's and my unforgiveness.
I forgive myself and others, which opens my heart to peace, joy and gratitude.
Dear Love, thank you for this cycle of giving and receiving that continues to bless me and all my relationships.

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