Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Sanctuary of Certainty

I come that they may have life. John 10:10

Let us turn toward the sun of eternal life, the spiritual sun that cannot set and forever rises on the horizon of our own experience. Definitely and deliberately, we let go of every lost hope, every fear of want, every sense of lack, every hurt, because today we leave the the tomb of doubt and enter the sanctuary of certainty. We will roll away the stone of uncertainty from our consciousness; we find the resurrected, the Divine, and God-intended perfection and wholeness. The doorway of the tomb leads away from all morbid thought. We are standing forevermore in the glory of an everlasting protection of the One Presence.

I let go of all disease and dishonor. They slip back into the tomb of oblivion, for the spiritual body now rises triumphant in every cell; we are instantly renewed by the creative principle of eternal Life that is within us. We are alive and aware, and we know that the Kingdom of God is here and is within us this moment.

Thou are the center and circumference of my life, the beginningness and endless of me, the eternal Reality of me, the everlasting Power within me. Thou art my whole being. Ernest Holmes

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