Thursday, January 25, 2018

White Evangelicals, you have lost your souls.

Dear White Evangelicals,
I need to tell you something: People have had it with you.
They’re done.
They want nothing to do with you any longer, and here’s why:
They see your hypocrisy, your inconsistency, your incredibly selective mercy, and your thinly veiled supremacy.
For eight years they watched you relentlessly demonize a black President; a man faithfully married for 26 years; a doting father and husband without a hint of moral scandal or the slightest whiff of infidelity.

you never made any effort to affirm his humanity or show the love of Jesus to him in any quantifiable measure.
With him, you suddenly find religion.
With him, you’re now willing to offer full absolution.
With him, all is forgiven without repentance or admission.
With him you’re suddenly able to see some invisible, deeply buried heart.

And White Evangelicals, all those people who have had it with you—they see it all clearly.
They recognize the toxic source of your duality.
They see that you aren’t interested in perpetuating the love of God or emulating the heart of Jesus.
They see that you aren’t burdened to love the least, or to be agents of compassion, or to care for your Muslim, gay, African, female, or poor neighbors as yourself.

And I know you don’t realize it, but you’re digging your own grave in these days; the grave of your very faith tradition.


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