Thursday, January 25, 2018

'Every ism is dualism.'

I love Sailor Bob's:
'Every ism is dualism.'
Name a few: capitalism, communism, feminism, chauvinism, racism, nationalism...
It came to me as an insight about time when I went to see Bob first how joining any of the groups creates immediate separation as each group has been formed to oppose the apparent 'other'.
We formed subject and object, an enemy of 'our group', nation, religion, expression. Maybe have a good look at your preference here and investigate why is there one. As Bob says it: 'See it for yourself, as no one else an do it for you'.
The investigation comes effortlessly.
For an instance the questions might come like:
Has someone said something to you in the past so you call yourself a capitalist, nationalist, a feminist, chauvinist?
Did you overdose on watching media too much which formed another belief? Have you been hypnotised by the dream yet again? Have your parents told you your group was the only 'good' group? Maybe you saw your parents had enough of each other and their little 'me-s' arguing or choking each other and you have taken a preference?
Now see that if you are pro one group and you are opposing to another one, does it make you comfortable communicating with the 'opposition'? I be ya that you still do communicate!
Then are you true to yourself or is it a double-standard living?
It is no different to when you throw 'love you' around like the confetti and you do not mean a shite of it.
Not all the people are killers, not all the husbands are the cheaters, not all the men are abusers, not all the women are the lazy gold-diggers... And what is it if we don't give it a name?! It is what is...
Yet, this is not an excuse for out of control behaviour.
There are laws to be respected, same as in the nature:
birds build nests, they teach the little one's to fly; they don't go
'I cannot be bothered teaching them to fly'...
Stray dogs behave the way they do but humans are humans, not the stray dogs, trees or birds! All has its own laws that get respected regardless of recognition of one's true nature or not.
When we recognise our true nature, preferences still happen, choices happen (in the dream) but with the 'me' in the way it makes us feel congested, hurt, violent, sick, always right and 'the others' usually always wrong.
With the openness to receive the message without any defensiveness or questioning a genuine messenger who has seen through illusion, humbleness arises from the emptiness we are. We then 'know' that we know nothing. That we are nothing. That we are (n)One with all. With this knowing, the omni-power of presence-awareness, stillness and the silence is obvious and undeniable.
We stop fighting windmills, whether it is politicians, opposing sex, party, presidents, Hitlers, Trumps, Churchills, Clintons...
We couldn't care less as we know now for certain that all of them are the waves appearing on the one entire ocean and will dive back into it after their little play is done.
We see the dream for what it is. By click of the fingers the hypnoses goes way and we never believe in the same illusion again. Again, we either get pushed by the life to see this for ourselves and investigate - or not.
If action is needed, action will happen. It will arise from nothingness. There is nothing passive about witnessing in this manifestation. It all happens (or not) for no-one.

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