Friday, March 25, 2016

Day 4: In fulfillment, I lack for nothing.

Shedding the Weight
Day 4
Fulfillment Holds the Key


In fulfillment, I lack for nothing.


Ananda Hum
I am pure joy.

Day 4 - Fulfillment Holds the Key

“We wander for distraction, but we travel for fulfillment.” ― Hilaire Belloc
Everyone can feel the difference between emptiness and fullness, and it is this experience that allows us to feel our way to better lifestyle choices. Today we learn that there are many kinds of hunger, but only one state of fulfillment. When you give yourself what you really want and need, unhealthy habits, such as overeating, cease to be a problem.
Instead of fighting against a habit that always fights back, ask yourself, “What am I hungry for right now?” then seek to satisfy that hunger directly.

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