Friday, March 25, 2016

Day 3: As my emotions flow freely, my life is lightened.

 Shedding the Weight

Day 3

Begin with Emotional Balance


As my emotions flow freely, my life is lightened.


Om Shanti Om
I radiate peace.

“Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance, order, rhythm, and harmony.” ― Thomas Merton
In today’s meditation, we learn that we can restore emotional balance and equanimity by returning our attention to the still awareness in the background of our minds. When we act from a feeling of lack, we remain out of balance and stuck in our old unfulfilling habits. But emotions are meant to flow freely, to rise and fall without being held. In meditation, we reach the calm, centered place inside that doesn’t hold on or get stuck to toxic habits and old memories, so shedding emotional baggage happens naturally.

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