Wednesday, October 28, 2015

LOVE is truly the deepest message in everything, and that love lives beyond this realm.

A Ho!
May we all be comforted in the knowledge that this earth walk is not all there is....May we come to understand that LOVE is truly the deepest message in everything, and that love lives beyond this realm.
Tracy Soul Beckons
Artist ~ Freeydoon Rassouli...
and thanks for posting Will Melies!

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Soul Beckons
May we all be comforted in the knowledge that this earth walk is not all there is.
May we all be shown glimpses of the bigger picture.
May we invite the lessons... and gifts in our own time and in our own way.
May we come to understand that LOVE is truly the deepest message in everything, and that love lives beyond this realm.
heart emoticon
May you find some quiet this week, as the veils are paper thin, and listen...
Peace on your path dear souls,
Tracy Soul Beckons

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