Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Jeb Bush and Rand Paul want to privatize veterans' health care

Ron -

Later tonight, Republicans will gather for the third debate of the presidential campaign. Unfortunately, the first two came and went with a lot of talk about how and where to use our military in future conflicts, but very little discussion about caring from them after they return.

We know that Jeb Bush and Rand Paul want to privatize veterans' health care. We know that Marco Rubio introduced a bill courageously filibustered by Senator Dick Blumenthal that would undermine the VA's efforts to fill vacancies and erode whistleblower protections.

On the Democratic side, Bernie Sanders passed an historic piece of bipartisan legislation to improve veterans' health care, education, and job training. Hillary Clinton has endorsed those efforts and is also opposed to Republican plans to privatize the VA. And they've both been attacked by the Koch-connected Concerned Veterans for America for their work.

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