Monday, September 21, 2015

WATCH LIVE: America After Charleston hosted by Gwen Ifill

WATCH LIVE: America After Charleston hosted by Gwen Ifill

I came up in first 15 or 20 minutes of this dialog. I am very honored to be one of the many not edited out, as it took 4 and half hours to produce this one hour show. "As a white man, my main purpose in life right now , is to get out of denial, unlearn the racism I learned growing up here in the South, and help others do the same. Gwen then asked me how I came to that thinking. I replied "grief, I think." "What are you going to do now" she inquired. I told her to "unlearn what I was taught, and then teach right!
Becky Millard: That's not exactly how I would have described your exchange either.(newspaper headlines below) There was no shame in your face or stance as this story would insinuate, but rather honesty and courage to speak the "unspoken" in the white community here in the south, that it was taught. It's easy to disassociate oneself and family from that truth by reading history books, as though it was some other white legacy. To admit that you, yourself were a part of it is entirely different. It made me squirm and I wasn't raised here. I would love to meet over coffee and hear more about it.
Ron Alexander: thanks much dear Becky Millard - feeling vulnerable today so I really appreciate your affirmative comment!

Lorna Gethers Coakley: Awesome, Ron Alexander!I thought about you when I saw that it was being taped at the Circular Church because that is where I sat with you all doing the poetry healing. That really was a day of healing. I watched the program last night and I recognized many of the faces. I saw so many acquaintances in the audience. I will watch it again on Sunday evening with Dmitri and have discussions about it. I am not sure how I missed you, but will pay closer attent...ion the next time. Thanks for letting me know. I hope that all of you are doing great at LILA.
Ron Alexander: Hi Lorna, thanks for your positive feedback. I am in first part of hour, and am honored, as many were edited out - it took over four hours to film this to get to the one hour show. I am in blue shirt and only one with baseball cap on. I am glad to have worn it as those that filming lighting is very intense. I hope to have you and Dmitri as guests at new group i hope to be forming at Unity Charleston SC?

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