Tuesday, September 22, 2015

About Racism

Erin Michelle

we can't understand until we're ready to listen. thanks for speaking your heart.                                                                          
 Ron Alexander: Thanks so much dear Erin Michelle, your reply is very important to me as I am feeling vulnerable after broadcast!

Erin Michelle: I could feel it, my heart beat a little harder, my lungs felt squeezed. you brought out the vulnerable part in me, too. thank you, Ron. You're helping me to find the words to speak my heart.
Michael WhoDat Malik My connection is bad, so having problems seeing video. Nonetheless I'm happy, even proud you're standing up for what you've come to learn. People thinking their privilege is an advantage to the detriment of others is where the fallacy lies. Overcoming tremendous shame over our national historical legacy is something which urgently must be done. Black folk can't do that for others. We are just matching on Ron. PEACE
Becky Millard:That's not exactly how I would have described your exchange either.(newspaper headlines below) There was no shame in your face or stance as this story would insinuate, but rather honesty and courage to speak the "unspoken" in the white community here in the south, that it was taught. It's easy to disassociate oneself and family from that truth by reading history books, as though it was some other white legacy. To admit that you, yourself were a part of it is entirely different. It made me squirm and I wasn't raised here.

Tom Pinkson right on soul brother!
    Ron Alexander thanks much Tomas - you and Kokomon, Aeesha, CAH Principles and your Love Bracelets are a big part of this healing work!

Kira Waters You found your calling. Can't watch the video but we need someone like you start with as a human being I desire to become one in mind and space with all. It's all about perception good luck. I'm cheering you on. Keep your head up especially when it gets hard remember there is an experience happening giving you opportunities to acquire a perspective of a manifested thought expression(reality or a life situation) from our subconscious or conscious state of mind and time where the physical egoic exists. Our being in space where time and mind do not exist just I am being_(or heart soul spirit always connected to source like everyone else) is where our desires are most powerful used carefully by becoming the observer of your egoic physical dimension. Aware that everyone and everything and even every experience is or can be understood as a mirror reflection of yourself and the source( God Buddha. Ala Jesus and so on) which is in you and all of us. Making us all connected. Now this mirror took a bit for me to understand so I'm going to break it down if you know pass my message on. Ok so here I am trying get through to a friend that wont see his part or let me speak. I'm repulsed. Find it unattractive and get deffensive. Now for few weeks or so my significant other( my golden singing sentreeyst faery love) and I were argueing a lot.and that day I saw what I seen in the friend was a replica of me in sittuation with my love. So I saw from my perspective what he had seen. Being aware of this I pay attention to the ""MIRROR REFLECTIONS OF SELF THAT CAN BE SEEN IN ALL CONSCIOUS) this gives me opportunities to look with in myself and to work on what's been shown to me by I believe God The Source love Universe so I can continue to grow and help others. So now my love n I can get through that displacement. So hope you remember to focus on the solutions and help many people. Words can hurt. It's from the heart.. Our beings that exist in space as the observer of physical 3rd dimension where mind and time influence and manifest realities from our thoughts impulsively unconsciously. In order eventually be able to be in control as source intended n create what thoughts and desires benefit the world and others. Love and light. We are all one.

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