Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Hospice? The primary goal of hospice care is a very simple one: to ensure that every moment counts...

      Ron Alexander's photo.
Hospice is a special healthcare option for patients and families who are faced with a terminal illness. A multi-disciplinary team of physician, nurses, hospice aides, social workers, bereavement counselors and volunteers works together to address the physical, social, emotional and spiritual needs of each patient and family. The hospice team provides care to patients in their own home or a home-like setting regardless of the patient’s age or ability to pay. There are many things to consider when making a decision about hospice. While, we understand that everyone’s situation is unique, many of the questions we hear are answered below.

The Goals of Hospice Care

The primary goal of hospice care is a very simple one: to ensure that every moment counts, in the last six months of life. For terminally ill patients pain relief is often a central concern, and making sure people in our care stay as comfortable as possible is certainly a good starting point, but good hospice services go much further than that.

Hands-on help

Sometimes the small things count. A patient’s day at home can be made easier by a volunteer dropping by to help with cleaning and tidying, to have a chat, or just check in and make sure everything is ok. Being able to call a registered nurse and ask a question can help too. Sometimes just knowing that an expert is always there with support and advice can reduce caregiver stress and help patients feel safer and more comfortable.

Emotional well-being and hospice care

During the last few months of life, physical well-being is only one aspect of care. Terminally ill patients also have emotional and spiritual needs that need to be met, and that’s where our team of counselors and spiritual care providers come in.

Relax and Enjoy Each Moment as a Miracle
To me every hour of the light and dark is a miracle. Every cubic inch of space is a miracle.
Walt Whitman...

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