Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Hearing their Story - Re-inspired by this article

Through Dimly Lit Eyes                        
      Carmen Moize
This article by Ms. Moize who is a RN Hospice Nurse at Patriot Hospice in Greenville, S. C. has inspired me to keep on doing what I set out to do a few months ago – collect stories from elder veterans. Now, with my volunteer position being switched over to the Hospice at the VA hospital gives me the perfect opportunity to continue this therapeutic work.
“The day room was bustling with activities, this was a usual finding here at the town’s assisted living facility. Seems the only people that frequent here are the workers and an occasional group of young Sunday School kids singing children’s music at the top of their lungs. On these occasions, the old folk sit back and listen with a smile at the life and youth brought forth by these young children. It was a day like this that I happened to be making a visit to one of my hospice patients. I had extra time today and was determined to spend some quality time with my special 88 year old WWII veteran patient. His mind was clear, but his body was failing him quickly. I entered the room to find him sitting in his wheelchair and gazing intently up at the clear blue sky. I walked up and placed my hand on his shoulder, looking outward in the same direction with him. There was a light flickering in his eyes today, a bit of sparkle I had not noticed before. He knew I was there to spend time with him and as promised I would sit and talk for a while today. ‘What are you doing I asked?’ He looked up at me through his now grey eyes and simply replied ‘I was thinking of the war, flying fighter jets to be exact’. I took his hand and sat beside him, my chest filled with pride. I felt like the luckiest person in the world as he began to share his story. Tears filled his eyes as he began to speak. He said I was the only person to ask him about his ‘story’. I was baffled to hear this and in that moment I realized my heart and my time belonged to this generation. He saw the disbelief in my face. He just chuckled and said, ‘You see, it seems the more our health, hearing and sight diminish, the more we diminish in the sight of the people around us.’
So many of our elderly, not to mention veterans, sit alone day in and day out, living history books waiting to be read. Our veterans are dying at the rate of 492 per day. It becomes increasingly easy to get stuck in the routines of our daily lives and lose sight of ‘the greatest generation that ever lived’. Let’s all do ourselves and get involved with volunteering with this honorable group of men and women who are will to give all for this country. We are extremely lucky to be able to give our time to them, as well as to receive any part of their life history that they are willing to share. Life is beautiful and it becomes magical when you hear about the world and life from a higher point  of living and understanding.”
Thank you Carmen Moize, who has been a hospice nurse for 5 years. If you would like to find our more, the website is Patriotcares.com.
5 Things the Dying Want Us to Know.docx
the more we diminish in the sight of the people around us."
Ron Alexander's photo.

This wonderful elder with all the medals, happens to be against wars now.
Ron Alexander's photo.
  I felt like the luckiest person in the world as he began to share his story. Tears filled his eyes as he began to speak. He said I was the only person to ask him about his ‘story’.

I am thinking about my mother, and whether she too felt diminished in the sight of others around her as her body failed...... I think did due to her frail physical state. When she was ready to leave her body behind, I hugged her and told her to fly
 Home, that she was so safe. Her frail body had been imprisoning her, and as she flew out of it, the sense of release was sublime (and that doesn't begin to describe it). No physical body could ever contain her shining, eternal spirit...............
Ron Alexander Beautifully said, I kept repeating soothing verses like underneath are the everlasting arms, while holding my Mom as she passed - it was a beautiful peaceful experience...thank Jax Byrne

Ron Alexander This article by Ms. Moize who is a RN Hospice Nurse at Patriot Hospice in Greenville, S. C. has inspired me to keep on doing what I set out to do a few months ago – collect stories from elder veterans. Now, with my volunteer position being switched over to the Hospice at the VA hospital gives me the perfect opportunity to continue this therapeutic work. 

MaryRose Winkler DO IT Ron, their stories need to be told and its too hard for them to do it alone because the memories coming gushing up, so to have someone like yourself that can accomplish this in a sense of peace & compassion is SPECTACULAR DO IT...
My father wrote a piece when he landed on Iwo Jima, did I ever share that with you? NO ONE knew he wrote it until we found it in his desk drawer after he passed away OMG Ron, there are no words to say about this at all... so I will just say, DO IT...

Would it be alright if I posted my fathers story here? Ron Alexander love you guy xox
Ron Alexander Send your Father's story (very similar to mine, who was on Okinawa, but would never talk about it) to my message, and I will put it on blessyourhearts.blogspot.com and then repost it here - any "photos"?MaryRose Winkler Do you get stories from the vets that you work with at Pheonix VA?



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