Friday, March 20, 2015

Support Healing Digital Stories

Thanks so much Lindsley, we really need to help others see the spiritual side of soldiers and vets. and help them see the spiritual side of themselves. As I said, I would like to go on your and Dr. John's Healing journey to Vietnam to help those afflicted with agent orange. Plus the fact that Nixon did not follow through with his promise of 3 billion dollar aid to Vietnam after the war.
This video making (digital story-telling) has been so therapeutic for me that I want to train as a facilitator. The training is expensive, and it would mean flying to Denver...

Ron Alexander This book by Dr. John Wesley Fisher is enlightening to those who want to see the horror of war and resulting healing of the warrior. I am a peer support volunteer at the VA and insist that all the therapists working with pstd afflicted warriors read this...
This to me is way, way, way out of touch with where the American people are," Sen. Bernie Sanders said.
John Wesley Fisher is one of those rare, courageous and devoted individuals who has the will, intelligence and capacity to complete the most difficult and demanding journeys. His journey took him from being a Minister's son cavorting on beautiful beaches to the deepest regions of hell on earth we call war. ANGEL IN VIETNAM documents both the blessed and challenging events on this long journey. It helps us all to honestly grasp the terrible realities of war. And it helps readers discover the guiding forces at work in the universe that supports us all, and how we may transform the most horrific experiences into life lessons that bring maturity, wisdom, compassion and healing. Accompany John Wesley Fisher on his journey. It will transform you. --Edward Tick, Ph.D. Author of War and the Soul, Director, Soldier's Heart 
Ron Alexander's photo.

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