Friday, March 20, 2015

"Higher" Power Within - Good Information for addicts and alcoholics

"A higher power is simply something bigger than yourself. The idea is simple. It is something to belong to. People need to feel connected to something. It is human instinct for us to need to feel a "part of" and to feel like we belong. For me, a higher power was something as simple as energy."…/
Finding a higher power can be a crucial part in long term recovery. Why is a higher power important and how do I find a higher power?|By Tim Stoddart
  • Ron Alexander And this "Higher Power" is within. It is not as if we are the Higher Power, however we are ONE with IT! "Be as one, as my Father and I are one." Also, remember the omniscient, omnipotence and omniPRESENCE of God, Spirit, Love or "Higher" Power or Energy!
    MaryRose Winkler Thanks Ron for that affirmation, apparently some don't get this, I am now starting to understand why the recovery rate of people is so low, they concentrate on the dis-ease and not the recovery part... incredible...

    They also don't honor or abide by the original intentions of the program of AA and yet they constantly reference the parts they want to justify their addiction... amazing indeed...

    All of it is a RECOVERY through a SPIRITUAL awakening and has nothing to do with recovering the disease, it has to do with recovering the HIGHER POWER WITHIN which is the essence of LIFE itself... truly a "return to love"...

    I am starting to see a big picture here, and why so many treatment centers are popping up everywhere Ron & it reminds me of Henry the VIII not liking the rules of the church, so he just cut off the wives head and started his own church with his own rules...

    I'm starting to see this in recovery programs... all egos running it the way THEY think that recovery should be, and really isn't recovery like amendments to the constitution?

    WE ALL HAVE A RIGHT TO RETURN TO LOVE without the baggage of egos telling us how/what to say and when to do it?

    Ron Alexander Thanks for the reminder of ACIM, I truly needed it this a.m Ron...
    Ron Alexander Well said, however the verse is from the Bible and not sure which quote you think is from ACIM? Definitely, ACIM does reference our "Inner Christ" and Oneness with God many times though!

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