Tuesday, July 15, 2014

You can take only what you give

Ron Alexander Very important to me, as I write about the gifts from being "disinherited" by Mom
  • Ra Divakar LIKE: "Gifts from being disinherited"!
  • Ajike Williams So true Ron one of the elderly neighbors on my street passed away, I didn't know until today when I saw a truck outside her home that said 1 -800 YOU GOT JUNK. The first thing that entered my head wash she couldn't take it with her and what she had her family considers junk they have their own junk to either move in or to sell the house to a new owner with their own JUNK. Thanks for sharing I had a real live experience today if only others could see we would have a better world. Namaste!

  • Polly Kay Mannon's photo.

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