Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Sometime, in order to truly heal...

"Sometimes, in order to truly heal,
we have to stop trying to heal at all.
Sometimes, in order to connect,
we have to begin by connecting with our feelings of disconnection.
Sometimes, to know love very deeply,
we have to let go of all our second-hand concepts of 'love'.
Sometimes, when answers are not yet apparent,
we need to hold the questions even more lovingly.
Sometimes, the light shi...nes most brightly before it goes out.
Sometimes, we just need to hear ourselves breathe."

- Jeff Foster

Jeff will be doing a day-long workshop called "Stop Trying To Fix Yourself, You Were Never Broken!" at Byron Katie's Center for the Work in beautiful Ojai, California, on Saturday 19th July. Tickets are still available from http://jefffoster.brownpapertickets.com/.

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