Monday, June 9, 2014

Good Night, "here to glorify God's Kingdom of Love"!

"When we member who we REALLY are, we embrace our interconnectedness with all of life & the infinitude of our powers. We aren't here just to bolster OUR individual kingdoms; we are here to glorify God's kingdom of LOVE" ~ Marianne Williamson, Everyday Grace ~

Photo: Blessing Candle has been lit for the night.  Along with all previous participants of the blessing candle, please remember LeAnn C, Dustin, Jayden, Ernie & Michael in your healing thoughts, your prayers & your blessings tonight.

"When we remember who we REALLY are, we embrace our interconnectedness with all of life & the infinitude of our powers.  We aren't here just to bolster OUR individual kingdoms; we are here to glorify God's kingdom of LOVE"  ~ Marianne Williamson, Everyday Grace ~


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