Monday, June 9, 2014

Best way to have a non-complaining world

 Live in Mindfulness:
Ron Alexander - Mindfulness combines breath and sensory awareness to help stay in the present moment, and combined with Metta (loving kindness) prayer is a powerful way to stay calm and radiate light. May All Beings Be Happy and Peaceful!
Ra Divakar's photo.

Photo: Best way to have a no whining world
Ron: A no-complaint world would be like Heaven, I imagine?    
Christy Caraway: i'm really having a hard time getting a hold on my complaining and gossiping. I am praying for these defects to be removed. any other suggestions?  love and hugs and stuff. 
Ron Alexander:Hi Christy Caraway - This is not easy. We are such a "complaining culture". I think the best way is to learn ways, like breathe or sensory awareness to stay in the present. By being in the moment most of the time is the only way to stop the whining, gossiping and condemning and start praising more. It takes more than "positive thinking", you have to go to watching your breathing and sensing more - mindfulness if you will! Hi Sister Cheryl Lynn, how are you - staying nice up there?

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