Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Joy Shultz from Byron Katie's Group (I really id with this poem)

i want me.
i can have that
(as i already do).
i want what i am.
i love what i am.
The Love of God is shining in me now.
Stay Home, young man,
there is no finer place to be,
there is no greener grass,
nor a more beautiful view,
no greater gold,
no deeper mine,
no more radiant sun,
no greater loveliness,
no bigger mountain,
no fame that can compare,
no amount of dollars that can come close,
no greater invention,
nor peace
Stay Home, young man,
and offer the world
but the light
that shines from your windows
Stay Home, young man,
connected and clear
Stay Home, young man,
where no temptation even exists
I am.
The Love of God is shining in me now.
Stay Home
in Love
All i've ever wanted is me,
and i have never ever been without it.
Stay Home and enjoy this effortless running water,
the creek never goes to sleep, not for one instant,
you are eternity
completely invulnerable
and formless
completely without want of any kind

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