Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Fighter or a Lover?


You can fight your way into or out of any situation or you can love yourself into and out of it. To love someone even though your encounter with them has caused you pain does nothing for them and everything for you. Remember, what you give comes back! To love, knowing divine order will prevail, is the greatest gift you can give to yourself.
I am re-sharing this, as the message is so clear yet so difficult. I am still so angry at my last 2 ex's for ripping me off (monetarily). Byron Katie would probably get me to the point that I would have to admit, how did I rip myself off? And that I still love them anyway - dam, that is hard, however true! Thanks for sending this to me Cheryl Lynn and coming up with this tough Truth Iyanla Vanzant! Just saw a right wing Christian move God is (not) Dead - my thought - God is Alive, God is LOVE! Ron Alexander

Photo: You can fight your way into or out of any situation or you can love yourself into and out of it. To love someone even though your encounter with them has caused you pain does nothing for them and everything for you. Remember, what you give comes back! To love, knowing divine order will prevail, is the greatest gift you can give to yourself.

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