Thursday, February 20, 2014

Sometimes a simple change of perception can be healing


Photo: "What can be a perceived obstacle? Not enough, not enough time, not enough this, not enough that and so you begin to change that perception by offering from one hand to the other wonderful things.

You like chocolate kisses covered in foil?  Pour them from one hand to the other and imagine that many people receive sweetness and receive what they need. That is a simple way to transform a perceived obstacle of not enough."

- VDY, Masterful Living Wisdom Class

Sometimes a simple change in perception can be healing! thanks Venerable Dhyani Ywahoo
"What can be a perceived obstacle? Not enough, not enough time, not enough this, not enough that and so you begin to change that perception by offering from one hand to the other wonderful things.

You like chocolate kisses covered in foil?... Pour them from one hand to the other and imagine that many people receive sweetness and receive what they need. That is a simple way to transform a perceived obstacle of not enough."

- VDY, Masterful Living Wisdom Class
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