Thursday, February 20, 2014

Greet the Glorious Morning

Give me odorous at sunrise a garden of beautiful flowers where I can walk undisturbed. ~Walt Whitman

Rising this morning with sacred smoke greeted by nature’s sounds and its perfection within the colors, curves, shapes and sizes of the rocks and flowers emerging from the landscape. Looking at Mother Earth, aware that nothing is identical and within Nature’s differences all is in harmony thus allowing me to feel “balanced”.

An invitation is extended to ALL of YOU as you greet this glorious morning receiving the Blessings of Creator’s Earthly gifts. Find the time to spend outside for a few moments; Leave the office or turn off the bright lights breathing in the freshness in the air. Let Creator remind you how to just BE! Let your heart flow with memorable images of nature’s beauty. Breathe in and breathe out all worries. Visualize sitting on Pachamama or floating on a cloud being embraced by Creator’s loving hug and so it is AMEN, A’ho, Namaste, Ometeotl

Desde Corazon (From our Hearts to yours!)
Kalpulli Teocalli Ollin

Picture of the Rio Grande In Texas via
Photo: Give me odorous at sunrise a garden of beautiful flowers where I can walk undisturbed. ~Walt Whitman 

Rising this morning with sacred smoke greeted by nature’s sounds and its perfection within the colors, curves, shapes and sizes of the rocks and flowers emerging from the landscape.  Looking at Mother Earth, aware that nothing is identical and within Nature’s differences all is in harmony thus allowing me to feel “balanced”.

An invitation is extended to ALL of YOU as you greet this glorious morning receiving the Blessings of Creator’s Earthly gifts.  Find the time to spend outside for a few moments; Leave the office or turn off the bright lights breathing in the freshness in the air.  Let Creator remind you how to just BE! Let your heart flow with memorable images of nature’s beauty.  Breathe in and breathe out all worries.  Visualize sitting on Pachamama or floating on a cloud being embraced by Creator’s loving hug and so it is AMEN, A’ho, Namaste, Ometeotl

Desde Corazon (From our Hearts to yours!)
Kalpulli Teocalli Ollin <3

Picture of the Rio Grande In Texas via

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