Wednesday, December 18, 2013

We Amazing Beings of Light

Buddhist: ...Amid living beings is the original place or nirvana. How amazing it is that all people have this but cannot polish it into bright clarity. In darkness unawakened, they make foolishness cover their wisdom and overflow.  One remembrance of illumination can break through and leap out of the dust of kalpas. Radiant and clear white, the single field cannot be diverted or altered in the three times; the four elements cannot modify it. Solitary glory is deeply preserved, enduring throughout ancient and present times., as the merging of sameness  and difference becomes the entire creation's mother. This realm manifests the energy of the many thousands of beings, all appearances merely this field's shadows. TRULY EMBODY THIS REALITY.  11th Century Zen Master Hongzhi Zhengjue
Tao Te Ching: Who uses well his light, Reverting to its source so bright, Will from his body ward off all blight.
Christian:  In the Bible, people are spoken of as being the "candles of the Lord. The light shines in the darkness and the darkness comprehendeth it not."  That is darkness has no power over light; light will overcome darkness, but darkness cannot overcome light. When Isaiah said that "the Lord shall be thy everlasting light," he meant that there is a light withink us, the light of Truth, of Spirit, of God, that cannot set, cannot become obliterated, cannot be blown out. The "candle of the Lord burns forever because its wick is sunk deep in the well-springs of Reality-that light, that spring, that substance-to which Jesus referred when he told the woman at the well, that if she ever drank from it, she would never thirst again. It is no wonder that the woman asked him to give her of this water that she might no longer be compelled laboriously to draw from the fountain that cannot be depleted. Ernest Holmes

Mary Rose Winkler SPECTACULAR, we are the light you are so right on Ron, thank you so much for your awesome and inspiring posts, I LOVE it, and NOW IS the time
Now is the time to polish the Light to clarity!
 Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee, and the light shall shine on thy ways. Job 22:28

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