Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Doggie Zen Parenting by Rev. Ed

Thought For the Week
As many of you know, our new dog's name is Aloha. She is a hound mix, 10 months old, 8 when we got her. Her energy level is huge. When we go to the Bark Park (dog park), one lady is fond of saying in an endearing way: "here comes trouble". Aloha is definitely the party animal at the Bark Park. Suffice it to say, getting puppies is like having another child, perhaps even harder! 
When we had EJ and Eman, and to this day, I do a fairly decent job of watching my temper, being patient when administering loving discipline. But I've noticed a different me with Aloha. My perception, I'm embarrassed to say, is that she "is different" (dog not a human)  than the boys and I lose my temper much more readily. I've become my dad! I tried so hard not to with the boys, but Aloha is another story. So sorry Aloha, I will try to do better. 
But the gift in Aloha is that the wound in me is surfacing and I get to heal it. I'll be shooting for doggie Zen parenting!
Rev. Ed Kosak, Charleston Unity
I get to heal it. I'll be shooting for doggie Zen parenting!


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