Wednesday, December 25, 2013

The First Step (Bill Wilson) and the First Key (Ester Nicholson) - You are the Power

Toxic Thinking Anonymous for me (stinking thinking)
The Keys are metaphysical interpretations of very important 12 steps by Bill Wilson
Step One:  We admitted we were powerless over alcohol (toxic thinking) that our lives had become unmanageable.
Key One: You are the Power
                  Through my conscious union with the Infinite Universal Presence, I am powerful clear and free. Through the realization that God is within me, expressing as me, my life is divine and in perfect order.
The Omni nature of God (All - no dualism/devil)
Omnipotent - All Powerful (Impossible for evil to be real)
Omniscient - All Knowing
                       The Presence knows the way when, to your senses there appears to be no way.
Omnipresent - God is everywhere present.
Life is always rough in perception for those who care. Be the inspiration that you give to others and the veil of roughness will be honed down into a sparkling vision! The Divine works through you to bless others.

Thank you all for blessing all of us with your brilliance! Bring the joy of this day into every day for all of the days of your life and know Divine love everlasting! You were created in Divine perfection and it is up to you to let that perfection shine forth into this world!

Be the vision of beauty you are! Shine forth your light everlasting! Be ye therefore perfect!  ~Dean A. Banks, D.D.

Thanx to ‘The Rev’ for inspiring this post!
 As waves and drops contains all the qualities of the ocean, so do We as Individualizations of God. We contain all the qualities of God.
Dean A. Banks You have the power as well as you are the Power!
'If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself, but to your estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment.' ~Marcus Aurelius

'If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself, but to your estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment.' ~Marcus Aurelius

The 2nd Step and the 2nd Key (Restored to Wholeness)
Step two: "We came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity." Bill Wilson
Key two: Through my conscious connection with the One Power, I reclaim my spiritual dominion and emotional balance. I am restored to my original nature of clarity, peace and wholeness. I am restored. Ester Nicholson

Are we insane?

Joel Goldsmith, founder of the Infinite Way, tells us that we have been hypnotized  by our cultural history into believing that we are less than the experience of God. He suggests that this false belief causes us to lose perception of reality and therefore experience insanity.

Affirmations: I allow the love of God to wash over me. I believe, know and accept that as I am restored to my true identity. I will be filled with peace, balance, order, love and harmony.

My mind is an expression of God's mind: focused, peaceful, free and clear!
When that spell of chronic fear, doubt, worry and low self-worth is broken. I am restored and I awaken to life's truth - which is love, peace, balance and well-being!

Through my conscious connection with the One Power, I reclaim my spiritual dominion and emotional balance. I am restored to my original nature of clarity, peace and wholeness. I am restored.

My soul is restored, refreshed, and renewed. My mind is established in divine and loving order, free of mental chatter and mindless distractions. I am restored to sanity.

All the broken pieces in my life are restored to wholeness. The appearance of disorder is returned to divine and perfect order.
The crooked places in my mind are made straight, because my mind is the mind of God expressing through me. This is the truth of me. This has always been the truth of me. This is the truth of me.  This has always been the truth of me. I now remember--I am now awake to who I really am as an expression of God.

Today, I woke up with such a sense of well-being. I feel healthy, vibrant and alive. I'm so excited about my day. My thoughts are positive, centered and peaceful, and as a result I've  created a wonderful life. I am becoming part of a wonderful Unity and Veteran Community. This is the year I write the best-selling inspirational book about TRUE PRIVILEGE. I will be traveling around the country doing interviews on Television and radio promoting my book which will be helpful to so many!
Linda's Light's photo.




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