Wednesday, December 25, 2013

I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you, I love you.

Pamela: Your brother didn't have the gift of time as you have had. Maybe his outlook would be different. Maybe he would be ashamed. Who knows what could have been? Best to leave those problems for the other side. The burden is too heavy to bear. I'm so sorry for that Ron. I don't keep old cards and letters and maybe this is an example of why.
Ron Alexander Hi Pamela Pollard Arrington, surprise, it was a cute card on the outside - kinda sarcastic about positive thinking, so I was fooled by the cover then read the insides. Bless his heart, this alcoholic Brother was on dialysis and dying. I saved his life by taking him to ER a couple of times - hmm, I had a man I saved from drowning get mad at me for saving his life. Maybe, my brother was angry at me for that?
Pamela: My parent's are alcoholics. They live in their own miserable world. I'm glad that was not my path!

Ron Alexander Not that I "liked' your comment, however I do appreciate your honesty and support Pamela. Your comment got me to thinking about the Ho'oponopono prayer of forgiveness. Some people say that "sorry" is not a word to use in "new thought"? However, I think we have to take responsibility for everything that happens to us. Even though I can rationalize their anger at me as misplaced, taking things too personally, "STINKING THINKING" or just plain wrong, somehow I created this. So, to my Brother and Nephew, I am sorry, please forgive me. Thank you, I love you! "No matter how much I protest, I am totally responsible for everything that happens to me in my life." Wayne Dyer (YOUR SACRED SELF).
Pamela Pollard Arrington What I decided is that I am only responsible for what I do. I can't control the meanness of other people, the hurt they do to others, the mean things they say --but I can control me. The best revenge is to live a good life. Stop the abuse and let it die out so the next generation never has to know of it. I have several friends who have been in AA over 20 years and each tells me it has made such a difference in their lives. It not only saved their lives but their souls it seems. Anything -whether alcohol, drugs or a toxic person that takes control over you is bad. The good thing is you can always CHOOSE to take that control back. Let go to something better. That is what I choose. I am 53 and I have carried such a burden of guilt, remorse, failure and some I deserved but most I didn't. I'm still working through that.
Ron Alexander Congratulations Pamela! You are taking responsibility - "still working through that." I have a book called SOUL RECOVERY (12 keys to Healing Addiction). Written by performer Ester Nicholson, who used to sing with Rod Stewart and Bette Midler, and became addicted to cocaine. She went through recovery and her "Keys" are the metaphysical interpretations of Bill Wilson's powerful 12 steps. These "Keys" are much more powerful and help. I am doing this Work (she was here for a workshop at Unity a couple of weeks ago). She is very potent and was trained at Agape Church ( Michael Bernard Beckwith) for 17 years I think! I am working on healing from toxic thinking (STINKING THINKING). Although, I am not an addict per se, I do feel that this work is already helping me. Her CD is so good I gave away 20 copies for Christmas and hope to get her here for a benefit for homeless veterans. thanks for this very helpful dialogue - have a HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR!

LIKE: "I do have responsibility for my response for what happens to me and what ensues from that response..." thank you very much Srika Li Bohannon!

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