Wednesday, November 27, 2013

See Love in Everything

 Kelly K Brown: This is MY One and ONLY TRUE PASSION IN LIFE... TO BE LOVE, LIVE LOVE, SEE LOVE in EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE and The ULTIMATE... TO SHARE 'THAT' LOVE WITH EVERYONE EVERYWHERE... with THE ENTIRE WORLD!!!!!!!!!! Thank YOU For... This BEAUTIFUL POST Bent Kim... As I'm Typing THIS In THIS MOMENT... THE SUN JUST CAME OUT FROM BEHIND ALL THE CLOUDS for the first time here this morning AND SHINED RIGHT IN MY EYES... My JOY AND LOVE ARE ENDLESS!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm CELEBRATING YOU with Endless LOVE Bent Kim!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And Now I'm Off to Do a JOYOUS HEALING for A Wonderful Family Member!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have a BEAUTIFUL BLESSED DAY!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks Kelly and Bent Kim Lundberg - love y'All!

One day goddess had a big party in heaven, and she was so filled with JOY and LOVE that she wanted to share it with all her children of humanity. She decided to create a very special angel.

An angel shining LOVE and PEACE so brightly that... it could melt the heart of men and make them soft as butterflies, so compassionate and kind that it could make the soul of women sigh and make them shed tears of JOY and gratitude, and with a smile so JOYFUL that it could make children laugh out aloud by the sheer sight of it.

Goddess formed a perfect being of LIGHT and with a breath of her pure LOVE she instilled in it the qualities of a powerful goddess/god and placed it on Earth.

To make sure that it would not become an arrogant person being such a awesome gift directly from heaven, she made it start its LIFE forgetting who it is, so it would not know its full immense angelic powers until it had tried enough to have the wisdom to use its power in a LOVING, compassionate and JOYFUL way.

You are such an angel and NOW is the time to remember and rejoice in the fullness of your gorgeous angelic being. Thank you for blessing us all with the awesome ONEder of you. Shine bright and let all see what a amazing, gorgeous and precious angelic being of LIGHT you have become.

I See you and I LOVE you
Bent Kim Lundberg

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