Wednesday, November 27, 2013

I had rather be happy than right!

I release the need to be right!
When you believe something, you assume you are right. And you may even destroy relationships in order to defend your position. Let go of the need to defend your position.
Don Miguel Ruiz, the Four Agreements
Politically, religiously, and other ways I have destroyed relationships defending my position. I am going more and more to "Great Mystery - I just don't know!" and being defenseless ("in defenselessness my safety lies."). If I have offended you in anyway defending my beliefs - "I am sorry, please forgive me. Thank you! I love you!"

If there is a limited belief in any area of your experience it is a false belief. You are unlimited; you are a multidimensional galactic being of ineffable cosmic intelligence. It is your time to step into that understanding. Your actions and your knowledge are needed to support the true transformation of humanity.

Be gentle yet firm with yourself as you investigate any limited expression of who you think you are. Remember you are divine consciousness manifest in physical form. It is that physical form, your body, that allows you to interface with this dimension and this dense reality, yet you know that is only one small aspect of who you are. We will agree that while you are reading these words and accepting our invitation to review your perceptions and beliefs, it is this physical aspect that holds your focus.

--Galactic Heritage by Peggy Black and the ‘team’

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