Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Breath Chronicles # 2 by Ron Alexander

Wonderful Wednesday:
My breath provides me
With the wind that propels
My body and Spirit through
My adventurous Life thankfully:-)
Ron Alexander Alive line is getting close, Today l drive another load down to the Island and organize my new humble new abode. Tomorrow, I meet with relatives back here at beach house to divide leftover furnishings. Friday, sadly, is my last day here however grateful for the time in my Father's old but beautiful house:-)
    Mary Berger lets get together for lunch or dinner soon cappy
    Pamela Pollard Arrington I'm sorry you weren't able to keep the house but you are off on another adventure. That's the story of your life isn't it? It will be the best part yet. I just know it.
    Anatoly Petrenko I totally rejoice in your thinking sufficed with wisdom of non-attachment. It seems that you know what is important — your secret intention, and you protect it with an attitude of faith that the cause of happiness is a quality of your thinking. May all be smooth sailing onward!
  • Ron Alexander Yes, Mary Berger, sorry the Veterans on Deck sail was canceled today - quite some wind huh? cold too! Thanks Pamela Pollard Arrington - love your affirmation "best part yet - YOU JUST KNOW IT (YES!). Anatoly Petrenko, I really appreciate your profound observation - great inspirational feedback!

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