Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Breath Chronicles #1 by Ron Alexander

Terrific Tuesday Affirmation:
As I breathe in God's Love
I exhale and reflect healing Energy
With gratitude, today goes very well:-)
Andy Skadberg Ahhh . . . the power of the breath to deliver the most beautiful of creations (all them ride upon IT). Thank you Ron. Consider yourself faculty at the Reverence for Life University (and I am not joking). Thank You!!!!
    Keenan W Robinson Yes indeed.

    Rachelle Johnson Inhaling and exhaling...
  • Ron Alexander Wow, thanks Andy Skadberg, as my affirmation goes with my Breath, it is like "praying without ceasing"! I am honored to be on FACULTY at the REVERENCE FOR LIFE UNIVERSITY. Conscious Breathing has saved my life, and I will write more about IT later!
    Also thanks Keenan W Robinson and Rachelle for your inspirational support!
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