Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Row, row your boat gently down the stream, life is merely a dream

Today's oneness message

MIND IS A DREAM... Sri AmmaBhagavan

Exposition World Oneness Centre by Guides

"Reality is far different from what goes in the mind. The mind is made of thoughts, beliefs, dogmas, superstitions etc. The decisions are based on past experiences and there is no absolute truth. They are all stories and perceptions created in the mind. New stories are also created in the mind.... Basically, continuous dreaming is going on. For example, if you have an ailment, say, typhoid. There are two things happening. One is the physical pain which is real and the other is psychological suffering which is daydreaming. Worrying about what will happen to your future, your children, your financial status if you become bed ridden. All these thoughts are not real but stories created in the mind which is nothing but day dreaming. Keep observing how your Mind is only a dream."
— with Ron Alexander.

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