Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Pick yourself up and move on!

Happy Monday - I feel like staying in bed, however I will get up, put on my sweats, stretch walk run to beach for sunrise. Meditate there for 15 minutes, walk run the beach route back here. Meditate/pray after reading Ernest Holmes' 365 Daily Inspirations deep breathing consciously the whole time. Next I will fix powerfully healthy oatmeal adding dried fruit with almonds and walnuts along with my daily gala apple and green tea drinking filtered water the whole time. This is the awesome start of a terrific week! Let's Go:-)
 I AM living Mindfully Moment to Moment enjoying the rest of my time here at my Father's house. Accepting letting it go has been hard, sad and anxiety-producing, yet freeing me for my Divine Journey.:-)
A miracle is happening in my life as I let go of things and past grievances. The best things in life are not things. I am sorry, please forgive me. Thank you, I love you!

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