Thursday, September 12, 2013

Unconditional Self-Love

Despite all appearances, no one is really evil. They are led astray by ignorance. If you ponder this truth always you will offer more light, rather than blame and condemnation. —Dhammavadaka

Photo: Blue Buddha Quote Collective

Raymond Sigrist: By the way, for me, it is in my self-interest to realize nothing is evil. It is an unspeakable liberation. And completely unexplainable.

Raymond Sigrist Thanks Ron. I wrote something related on the apophatic mysticism page a few months ago:

The method to attain the skill, which allows one to effortlessly fall in love with all beings and with all of being, is counter-intuitive and surprising to most of us.

The unexpected vehicle, that takes one to this astonishing level
of affection for others, is unconditional self-love.
Ron Alexander: "UNCONDITIONAL SELF-LOVE" Yes, I am so grateful to you Raymond Sigrist!
Below is the "hard truth" that led up to Raymond's declaration!
Photo: Despite all appearances, no one is really evil. They are led astray by ignorance. If you ponder this truth always you will offer more light, rather than blame and condemnation. —Dhammavadaka

Photo: Blue Buddha Quote Collective
Despite all appearances, no one is really evil. They are led astray by ignorance. If you ponder this truth always you will offer more light, rather than blame and condemnation. —Dhammavadaka

Photo: Blue Buddha Quote Collective

Raymond Sigrist: By the way, for me, it is in my self-interest to realize nothing is evil. It is an unspeakable liberation. And completely unexplainable.

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