Thursday, September 12, 2013

Ego needing Validation and Loving your Heart

With the intention of love as your guide, it isn’t a matter of demeaning ego, ignoring it, or getting caught up in any type of negotiation. Instead, it is a matter of spiritual maturity where you acknowledge every anxious feeling as unconscious patterns that are healed and released out of your field -- at the rate in which loving your heart remains your most consistent response to any desperate plea. Even if ego tries to convince you that you’ll die if you don’t receive more validation, the willingness to hear its sales pitch and allow loving your heart to be your response carries you across the threshold of death’s doorway. As this unfolds, you are reunited with the grace of your true nature and spontaneously reborn as the eternal light of all." Matt Kahn
This is brilliant, however I would change one sentence to loving your heart and ego(after all on this earth and in this body, we cannot do without it - setting boundaries, being a safe driver, etc). Our "ego" has been so demonized especially by ACIM and Eckhart (who I argued with for hours about it, finally he agreed we needed to "be aware of it as a separating mechanism".). Even if we consider the "ego" as our enemy, which many do, like Matt Kahn, we should try Loving it! I see it as sort of an inner child who we need to be very aware and protecting and expecially LOVING OF... Ron Alexander 

Thanks for your great Loving Heart Eileen! I really enjoy this deep dialogue we have between us, may it continue! At least we are not discussing - dissing and cussing (percussion). No mistake, ron
    Eileen Hafner
    Much on the same page, Ron. I send my ego love when it get's hungry. Because as you/me have already experienced, whatEVA we LOVE melts.
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