Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Legacy of 9- 11

I'll never forget how silent the city was after September 11th, and how connected everyone felt, even though our connection was based on horror and sorrow. Cab drivers stopped honking their horns; everyone made eye contact. There was so much oneness and so much love. I don't think that feeling of oneness has necessarily gone away. I do think the world has changed--dare I say for the better?    Lee Harrington

Ron Alexander's photo.

Ajike Williams Today, there is tears in my eyes, sorrow in my heart this is a National Day of Mourning, we must never forget, I will never forget I knew people who lost their lives who were living on my street, as well as worked in the area but came home as wrecks. I had been touched personally by 9/11 due to these aquiantances and actually seeing the pictures of the faces of many workers from Amex who lost their lives. I cry anytime I go down to the area, it is a living grave year of the many souls who died alive you feel their spirits I pray when I go that they fine peace. I still can't get my head wrapped around this evil thinking it is beyond me. But, Karma does knock. Thanks for taking my conversation. Namaste
  • Ra Divakar Hard to believe however: Despite all appearances, no one is really evil. They are led astray by ignorance. If you ponder this truth always you will offer more light, rather than blame and condemnation. —Dhammavadaka
  • Ron Alexander Thanks so much Ajike Williams, I can feel your hurt heart, and it is hard to believe that quote by Dhammavadaka above (Ra), however somehow we need to really get it "Despite all appearances, no one is really evil..." although it is important to grieve and honor the anger from loss!

    Ajike Williams @ Ra Divakar, yes, ignorance is what runs and controls the world, people are hungry, homeless, unclothed because of the fear of a few, this world has resources so that all my live in comfort, those who are walking with light have to lead and let that light illuminate they way so that we have genuine change for all, that wars will not be, man will put down their arms, oh yes we can have a world like this if each and everyone will seek within and find the divine.
    Ron Alexander Beautiful cogent comment, I am so grateful for you LIGHT Ajike Williams!
  • Ajike Williams I thank you Ron for your light and thoughts and sharing, we shall win, one light at a time!
  • Ron Alexander I was sending a manuscript out to NYC at local P.O. when it was on TV there, I almost asked for it back? It was a sickening feeling on many levels.
    I changed my email address with hope to ronreunite, then the cowboy Bush told us to go "shopping" - idiot!
    Ra Divakar It was a moment of the feeling of Unity among us, however, I agree Bush/Cheney blew it big time!





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