Wednesday, September 11, 2013

A Hard Truth

Photo: Despite all appearances, no one is really evil. They are led astray by ignorance. If you ponder this truth always you will offer more light, rather than blame and condemnation. —Dhammavadaka

Photo: Blue Buddha Quote CollectivePhoto: Despite all appearances, no one is really evil. They are led astray by ignorance. If you ponder this truth always you will offer more light, rather than blame and condemnation. —Dhammavadaka

Photo: Blue Buddha Quote Collective

Despite all appearances, no one is really evil. They are led astray by ignorance. If you ponder this truth always you will offer more light, rather than blame and condemnation. —Dhammavadaka

Photo: Blue Buddha Quote Collective

Ra Divakar "no one is really evil" - hard to believe!
    Ron Alexander Yep, really hard to see with certain people and groups, yet we must...!
     Raymond Sigrist: By the way, for me, it is in my self-interest to realize nothing is evil. It is an unspeakable liberation. And completely unexplainable.
  • Richard Kent Matthews Yeah, yeah, yeah, We know it's all ignorance. But we still must do our best to keep the ignorant from killing the innocent.
    Ron Alexander Hmm,. can't argue with that Richard Kent Matthews, yet must we kill others to teach that it is not alright to kill?

    Richard Kent Matthews Of course not, Ron. That would be defeating the point. But we also cannot stand by while the world implodes. Asking the world to believe as we do is naive at best. Peace, love, brother/sisterhood, flowers, waterfalls and butterflies sound good on paper. But the planet is awash in hatred, bloodshed, and greed. Action on behalf of the living is necessary. And all religions speak of martyrdom. What to do....
    Ron Alexander what to do - like idea of Syria giving up their poison weapons rather than bombing them! Richard Kent Matthews

    Cheryl Lynn that old saying you catch more flies with honey ... want to know what to do in the world ... take all the money you are wasting on weapons and killing and go into countries and feed them, give them medical care ... stop destroying rain forests and water sources .... spread kindness and generosity and you won't have to kill people .... when people are fed and their families are not sick they tend to look a lot differently at the world and at the "others" they are told to hate
    Cheryl Lynn and we also have wonderful examples of non violent protest ... ghandi, mlk .... i don't see them as martyrs but as strong men who stood by their convictions no matter the outcome
    Raymond Sigrist: By the way, for me, it is in my self-interest to realize nothing is evil. It is an unspeakable liberation. And completely unexplainable.

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